Google Developers Days in Cracow

Hello folks!

I couldn’t write before because we had small problem with our server. My friend bought new server etc so we will see how it gona work πŸ™‚

On 5-6Β September there was an amazing event by Google called Google Developers Days where I had the pleasure to be πŸ™‚
Event took place in ICE Congress Center in Cracow

Video from event πŸ™‚ You can find me at 0:58 sec πŸ˜€
(I’m on the 3rd row centre of the view, the guy wearing white shirt, laughing and smilling same time to my friends ) there is @codexter @me @levvy @natasalda

It was the perfect time to meet my friends which I knew only from Slack.
I mainly refer to my friends fromΒ Basic Android Nanotegree course by Udacity.

Few photos:




@Daniel Galpin


Of course there were nice prizes as well πŸ™‚
Everyone got nice T-shirt, stickers for laptop, and great
#androidthings Pico Pro Maker Kit.

I’m so happy that I could be on this event. I would like to say big THANKS to Google for this free ticket for me πŸ™‚
It was fun to meet people from the course, see how it’s looks like.
This event gave me big power and motivation to learn and improve.
I hope it’s just begging of something bigger πŸ˜‰



“Wiktor, you’ve earned it.”


After 6 months of practicing I finally graduated πŸ˜‰
I’m so proud and happy because I put a lot of work into it.
I’m so curious how many people have completed the entire course.

Look’s great, isn’t it? πŸ™‚

Before the course, I had zero experience about creating Android applications.
Course is perfect for beginner because everything is given step by step. Learning about global / private variables , how xml works and everything about Layouts (Linear Layout / Relative Layout). Also after few application we had to learn more difficult things like parsing JSON and connecting to our SQLite database.
The course gave me a lot. I have met great people during this time on slack.

What can I say more?
Very well prepared videos, mentors help 24/7 ( you could ask on forum or on private chat, also they did great code review if you asked).
I’m going to record a video how the review looks like by Udacity mentors that was very professional from them.
Also I will add my last 3 apps πŸ˜‰

I would like to say big thank you to Udacity & Google once again!
Regards πŸ™‚

Small update :)

Hello! πŸ™‚
I’m so sorry about my inactivity. I didn’t have time to focus on my blog.
I had too many things to do .. 2 semesters at the same time, VCC manager course, english class, java science circle on our University and Udacity Android Basic Nanodegree course from Google.
So my day was like waking up at 7 and I was back at home around 20-21. Every day.. Even weekends πŸ˜€
Thankfully I finished this semester.
I decided to show my work during this inactive time.

League of Legends Quiz Game

GitHub repository:

Lotter Game

GitHub repository:

Tour Guild App

GitHub repository:

The course from Udacity consists from two phases.
The first lottery:
They picked 10,000 people from the 70,000 signed up. And yeah I was so lucky that they gave me this chance πŸ˜‰
Second Phase:
After 3 months, They selected best students (who were most active and hardworking ) only 1250 participants were allowed to continue the course and win the certificate. All paid by Google πŸ˜‰

Thank you for your time, now I have to back to do another tasks from course πŸ™‚
Have a good day!


Hello everyone very warmly πŸ˜‰
I have neglected my blog a bit, it was probably due to the procrastination, which also gets me. But I think that if I really want something, it will always find time, so I will not justify it.

In this post I want to boast of what I have done since the last post.
Firstly I took part in the Scholarship draw at
There were two options to choose from:
1 – for beginners who have a short experience with Java less than a year,
2 – for more advanced 2 years of experience.

I have chosen the first option πŸ˜‰ Right now I love this course <3
Pretty much detailed and professional πŸ˜‰


Wiktor, you’ve been selected as a scholarship recipient!

Hi Wiktor,

Congratulations! You have been selected for a scholarship to learn Android with Udacity. Based on your application, you have qualified for the Android Beginners Path. This scholarship will cover all the fees required for you to study the Android Development for Beginners course on Udacity with support from our mentors and staff for three months. You’ll soon learn to code and be on your way to creating your first app on Android.

Over 70,000 people applied to the 10,000+ available scholarships funded by Google. Faced with an incredible pool of talented candidates from across Europe, we chose individuals who presented exceptional professional ambitions and a strong motivation to learn. We know you will make good use of this opportunity!

Lublin GameDev – is an organization created by computer game enthusiasts, the main engine here is Unity, C#.
It was my first meeting, Β I never coded anything in Unity even though I did not feel like alien there πŸ˜›
I learned how it looks like, I also met a programmer who is programming in Java and uses libGDX engine for that.
After the meeting I thought about switching from Java to C# and Unity, butΒ  after talking with a colleague I found it better to stay in one language than to throw myself completely to another.
I was interested in libGDX and I made 2 simple games with the JavaDevMatt tutorials. In conclusion – boys are really in it & they love to code.

Lublin Java User Group – organization at UMCS by very experienced programmers.

I was already in 2 lectures. Both were led by Marek Marzec.
Without wrapping in cotton, this guy did great presentation, you can see the full professionalism and knowledge he has acquired over several years in software development. To be honest, it’s the first person I’m really looking forward to.
In addition, presentation was interactive with participants after good answer you could win mini prizes πŸ˜‰
Very positive, and finally pizza!

The last thing I share in this post is that I tried to stream live on
For what? I know that programmers like to watch someone else programming. I thought this would be the best way to meet anyone in that field πŸ˜‰
After few hours of coding I have met Levvy programmer who helps me with every major problem. I appreciate for this so much!
For now, I stopped streaming. Nowadays, I am learning from different tutorials, but I think that in the future I will definitely come back to it, because it’s pretty good way to meet other programmers.
I hope in the near future I will also be able to help someone πŸ™‚

Target vol.2

Hello, after a short break. In this post I will write the things that I did in September and plans for October.


  • Java2 course with </ li>
  • JavaSE game design (still in progress) </ li>
  • SQL database </ li>


  • Developing Android Apps </ li>
  • JAVA Programming tasks with sample solutions MirosΕ‚aw J. Kubub </ li>
  • Game continuation and JavaEE shop </ li>


New semester is starting less time for learning..
Anyway I am satisfied after September, I got to know the basics SQL seem pretty ok.
Yesterday I sent a CV to several companies for internship / work as a programmer and tester but no response. I would like to get somewhere..

Target vol.1

I decided to share with my goals for upcoming months πŸ˜‰

At this moment I made:

  • Head First Java
  • Android Head First
  • Youtube Tutorials (Derek Bananas and many others)
  • Java Programming Course ( )

What I want to do in the future:

  • Learning Java EE / Spring / Hibernate
  • Continuous grinding of Java!
  • Interesting projects!

For beginner there is to many materials to learn from. It might be too much for a beginner. Of course speaking of English language knowledge.
We can often meet, with many questions from people who want to start programming which language to choose, what books to choose, courses, tutorials, more IDE questions and so on and further .. I had same problems and question before learning :p

Target vol.1

Of course, it is helpful and advisable to use eg Notepad ++ instead of writing in a regular notebook (as I recently had for some computer science classes) where the bigger problem was to find the semicolon than writing the code itself .. I decided to write my own blog on my own stripes for a given month.
Thanks to that, I will have ongoing verification and build, in a sense, the mobilization of myself as well as the habit of implementing the provisions.
Of course, everything will be matched and calculated so that I can do it and I do not overwhelm myself with the number of tasks I have planned.

My plans for September:

  • Continuation of Jave SE and Jave EE
  • converting a course from SQL( )
  • Revising the Java 2 Course ( )
  • Describing and agreeing issues with basic knowledge for juniors.

I find that enough material for an entire month.
You have to remember that it is not enough to watch a movie or listen to it, only need to rewrite the code itself, write it manually make notes in the notebook then the brain better remember the information. This is not about to convert as much as possible and go on to rewrite, memorize and apply in the future!
Sadly, neither the stairs, however, are so easy. I’m going to read the same books again to repeat myself and see and understand things I did not understand before. In retrospect, it will be ridiculous that things seemed so difficult to us and now they are practically obvious.






Welcome to the first post on my blog!
It will be a programming blog related to Java programming. I’m a person who has no experience in commercial programming.
That’s why I decided to create this blog to show my path of learning to get my first job as Junior Java Developer.

Maybe something about me:


My name is Wiktor. I am 26 years. I graduated from the Lublin University of Technology, Management and Production Engineering.
I am currently studying Master’s Degree in Management

Where is programming?

Last holiday in the United States gave me a lot to think about.
For my entire life I was wondering what I want to do in my life.
And finally I figured out what is that. Do you know already what it might be?
And the answer is.. of course programming! My computer adventure started when I was 5, in 1995 my stepfather bought Pentium II
(its like I7 or higher nowadays :P).

After thousands of hours spent at my computer during my life, my body is so tough so for me there is no problem to spend 24/7 hours in front of computer. That’s why I decided to use it and try to get a job working on my computer.
I picked up Java because it is not a simple language, so it gonna be challenge for me also Java is very popular.

What’s next on the blog?

As I mentioned, the blog is designed to show the path of my development.
At this point I have to focus on learning Java fundamentals.
I hope someday I get a job as Junior Java Developer and I will be able to continue my blog as a Developer.
Hope you will join my tour!
Thank you for your time, feel free to left comment πŸ˜‰
See you in next post!